Customer sign up made easy
With multiple data capture options
Capture and connect
Make customer sign up simple and increase data capture with self-service contactless capture on their own device
World-class security
Because we’re built on Salesforce, we share their security features. You can be confident all customer data is protected, and your associates can do their jobs safely and efficiently
Enriching data
Capture unique customer insights during in-store interactions from the moment you meet, paving the way for meaningful engagement
+150% data capture
Make it personal
Tailor marketing efforts to individuals, resulting in increased customer loyalty and sales
Enhanced customer service
Improve customer service and provide a more personalised experience for customers
Intelligent insights
Collected data provides retailers with valuable insights into customer behaviour and preferences, helping teams make informed decisions
Increased efficiency
By using data to optimize operations, efficiency increases and costs reduce, ensuring retailers remain competitive in the market