Retail Super-App & Clientling Platform | Proximity

All the Tools You Need in one
Retail Super-App

Proximity’s retail platform is all you need to increase efficiency and personalisation with every interaction. Empower your sales associates to quickly organise their day, easily curate every customer moment and seamlessly transact wherever your stock or customers may be.

Get Ready To Make A Bigger Impact With Our Retail Platform

  • Engage with Proximity


    Personalise your customer experience across all channels. The Retail Super-App allows you to create personalised looks, bespoke communications, and unique services to excite your customers.

  • Source with Proximity


    Say yes to more customers. Access a single view of stock and a flexible sourcing/fulfilment engine with screens to orchestrate pickup in store, ship from store and collect in store.

  • Transact with Proximity


    Next generation personalised commerce enables you to transact anywhere, with real time recommendations, promotions and frictionless payments.

Empowering Automation With Our Retail Super-App

Deliver exceptional customer experiences every time.

To truly differentiate your brand in a world of limitless choice, associates need to be given the ingredients to go above and beyond to service their customers.

Proximity’s automated journeys, tasks and reminders allow retail teams to promptly follow-up with every customer in a relevant and valuable manner. With these tools, you can grow the value of more of your customers.

Achieve Tangible Results with Our Retail Platform

Achieve your goals with Proximity. Our features and modules are designed to help you succeed; and to curate the most impactful brand experiences possible. From creating highly personalised moments to maximising the value of your data, Proximity makes your strategic vision a reality.

Tangible Results


Customer acquisition

+150% increase in customer data capture

Engagement & Retention

83% response rate to social messaging


Highly personalised communication based on customer activity

Sales Growth

Over $1M in attributable sales each month

Empowering Teams

90%+ adoption rate for sales associates


Future-proof your brand by investing in the right tools to improve efficiency

Why Use Proximity’s Clienteling Platform?

Proximity’s clienteling platform gives you the freedom to create seamless customer experiences anywhere, anytime.

It’s completely device-agnostic, so your associates won’t be tied down. You can explore the shop floor, work in the back office, or have a 1 on 1 with a customer. Proximity is always at your fingertips.

Your customers get the benefits of technological power and exceptional customer service, every time.

Our platform enhances meaningful communication and improves brand experience, ultimately to improve customer experiences and interactions.

We contribute to constructing stronger and more influential brands globally.

Learn more about us

Blending digital & human interaction

Blur the lines between physical and virtual retail and deliver exceptional retail excellence with Proximity.

The world of retail is changing, and with Proximity, you can future-proof your brand.

Proximity integrates in-person services with online interactions, creating truly frictionless engagement throughout the customer journey.

Our Retail Platform’s Modules

All beautifully wrapped up in a single retail platform, the Retail Super-App empowers employees to engage, source and transact in one smooth journey.


Appointment Booking

Schedule personalised appointments & enhance the customer experience

Data Capture

Collect, store, and analyse customer data effectively


Build and manage long-term relationships with a 360-degree view of the customer’s shopping history and preferences

Dashboard Reporting

Comprehensive dashboard reporting tools in an easy-to-understand format

Event Management

Plan & execute promotional events, sales, and other retail activities

Endless Aisle

Ensure customers have access to the full range of products, regardless of in-store stock levels

Mobile POS

Revolutionise the checkout experience by enabling transactions to be processed from anywhere

Technology and retail excellence, together

Proximity gives a unique blend of retail experience and technology expertise. With a rich background in retail, our team understands the nuances of creating the perfect customer-brand relationship.

Omnichannel Retail Approach

Our omnichannel retail approach provides customers with a seamless shopping experience, whether they’re shopping online or in-store. We bridge the gap between digital and physical retail, enhancing customer engagement and satisfaction.


Salesforce in the store

Get the power of a global enterprise platform in your store.

Built natively on Salesforce, Proximity extends the value of your Salesforce investment with Connected Retail Solutions.

Trusted. Secure. Compliant. Scalable.

Salesforce App Exchange | 5 star rating

Visit Salesforce


We deploy within weeks and have a global presence in 45 countries.

Our solution is easy to use, quick to implement and you don’t have to invest in expensive, complex infrastructure. Our customer success team supports you every step of the way to ensure that you achieve ROI within 3-9 months.

Contact Us


  • Do Retail Stores Use A CRM?

    Yes, retail stores often use Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems to manage their customer interaction and improve customer satisfaction. CRM helps retail stores to track customer interactions, preferences, and purchase history, allowing them to provide personalised and targeted marketing, improve customer service, and generate customer loyalty. 

  • What Is Salesforce used for in Retail?

    Salesforce is a customer relationship management (CRM) platform used in the retail industry to manage and analyse customer data, track sales, and improve customer experiences. It helps retailers streamline their operations, personalise marketing campaigns, and drive sales growth. 

  • How Does Retail Software Work?

    Retail software is designed to streamline and automate various processes within a retail business. It works by integrating with point-of-sale systems, inventory management systems, and other business tools to provide a comprehensive solution for managing sales, inventory, customer data, and other crucial aspects of retail operations.

  • Why Are Retail Solution Apps Good?

    Retail apps are good because they provide efficiency and connected data for employees, which improves the customer experience. With a retail solution app, sales associates can easily connect with and sell to customers no matter where they are. 

    These apps offer features such as personalised recommendations, loyalty programs, and easy payment options, making the shopping experience more enjoyable and efficient.